Virgo on exhibitions

As regular readers will be aware, there are a number of exhibitions coming up in the next few months, involving the likes of Alex Higgins, Jimmy White, Steve Davis and Stephen Hendry. The one thing that most have in common though is that they will be presented by the BBC’s John Virgo, who has been speaking about these events and the standard of snooker right now…

The latest of these exhibitions takes place on August 30th in Grantham as reported in the Grantham Journal and Virgo, the MC for the evening has had this to say:

What should people expect on the night?

First up Jimmy will play a frame against a volunteer. When that’s finished I’ll play some trickshots and some some Big Break style bits and pieces, with volunteers from the audience. That will be the first half. Then after the interval people will get the chance to see one of snooker’s all-time greatest match-ups with Jimmy White taking on Steve Davis over nine frames. There’s always been an edge when they play because they’ve met each other so many times over the years. It should be a very enjoyable evening.

I believe you have a bit of a stand-up routine for events like this.

When I’m setting the balls up for the trickshots I’ll have a chat about modern players, things that go on behind the scenes and even stories about Big Break. But there will also be a semi-serious game because there has always been an edge between Steve and Jimmy and there also will be when they take on each other.

Steve Davis made the quarter-finals of the London Watches Grand Prix last week , so he’s still able to play to a very high standard.

Yeah but Jimmy’s the same. They both have to play through the qualifiers these days but the standard of snooker is really and they are both playing really well.

Are the three of you good friends?

Of course- we’ve known each other for such a long time. In fact I’ve known both of them since they were juniors and since then we have travelled all over the world together with snooker.

How much has snooker changed over the years?

It has changed an awful lot. The game has opened up a lot more and there are lots more professionals than there used to be. These days players have a very attcking frame of mind. In the early days there was a lot more safety play but now when a player gets a single chance he is trying to win the frame. So it has changed a lot but the etiquette of the game is the same.

Do you enjoy performing at events like this?

Absolutely. It’s nice to get in amongst the public and usually they are very appreciative of the players.
Snooker is still a very popular game and the viewing figures for tournaments on television are very good.
It is different to watching on the television, seeing the players live, and people should really enjoy the night.

As the article states, tickets are still on sale for the event next week, the details are:

Tickets are still available for the evening which starts at 6.30pm with a challenge match between Jimmy White and local snooker competition winner.

Jimmy White against Steve Davis wil start at around 9pm with an autograph session to end the evening.

Balcony seats are £17.50 and places in the tiered seating are £19.50.

VIP tickets are £50, including a VIP lounge area, prime-view seating, a champagne reception, buffet and a chance to meet the players.

Buy your tickets today by ringing Linda Pritchard at the Grantham Journal on 01476 562291 or e-mailing