Maplin Electronics UK Championship 2008: Five frame burst sees O’Sullivan in pole position

Tonight saw the the final four first round matches get underway, click below to read what happened in all the matches…

Ronnie O’Sullivan 5-3 Joe Perry

Ronnie O’Sullivan recovered from a tricky start tonight to come out with a 5-3 lead over Joe Perry after today’s eight frames.

Meeting for the third time this season in a ranking event, it was Perry who made the stronger starting, taking the opening frame before recovering from over fifty points down in the next to win and make it 2-0.

O’Sullivan though responded in typical fashion, making breaks of 127, 143 and 114 on the way to a 5-3 lead as Perry snatched the last one to give himself a chance going in the final session. If the defending champion plays like that though, it will be a tall order for Joe to avoid falling at the last 16 hurdle for the fifth time this year…

Mark King 4-4 Stephen Lee

Away from the TV cameras tonight, Stephen Lee and Mark King played out a pretty decent session of snooker which ended up at 4-4.

It was Mark who made the stronger start with a couple of 40+ breaks helping him on his way to a 2-0 lead, but Stephen came back at him with a superb run of 136, before levelling up with 53 at the interval. The next four frames followed a similar pattern, King taking two to lead 4-2 before Lee responded by winning the last two.

Should be a very interesting session tomorrow, hard to call a winner here…