‘Traditional’ Everton sidelined as BBC looks to ‘refresh’ snooker coverage

Following on from previous reports that Clive Everton is to be marginalised by the BBC, a fresh story in the Guardian today confirms that this is indeed to be the case…

Click here to read the article.

This is a huge shame and a decision that I feel that most serious followers of snooker will struggle to understand. Snooker might have its problems at the moment and I am sure that the likes of Steve Davis, Ken Doherty and John Parrott will do a good job in the commentary box, but I can’t help but feel that reducing Clive’s role to accommodate them is the wrong way to go about ‘refreshing’ their coverage.

Admittedly at 71 years of age Clive is not getting any younger, but his commentary remains as informative as ever and I know for sure that he is one of the most popular commentators currently involved with the sport.

One thing for sure is that it just won’t be the same when we tune in for the Masters next week, never mind the 2009 World Championship final at the Crucible this May…