Shanghai Masters Qualifiers 2009: Quotes Round-up

As the dust settles on the first qualifying event of the new season, some of the players have chatted to the media about their results. Click below to find out what they have had to say…

Marcus Campbell following his impressive victory against Judd Trump told the Daily Record:

“I played well. I knew Judd was a good player but I felt good from the start of the match.

“He came back at me towards the end but I was just glad I got over the winning line.

“I”m really looking forward to playing Stephen as we’ve had some good matches but also it’s a chance to play in Shanghai.”

After his third round win over Robert Milkins, Anthony Hamilton told

“It was a long match, it was hard out there,”

“I never really got going but thankfully I managed to scrap my way over the winning line. All I care about is that I’ve won.

“I’d love to qualify for Shanghai. I want to be playing in as many ranking tournaments as I can.”

But it was not to be for Anthony as he lost out to Jamie Cope in the next round. He told The Sentinel:

“That’s a really good start to the season for me, I played well,”

“It’s [playing Joe Perry in Shanghai] going to be tough, but I enjoy playing in the overseas tournaments.

“I got to the China Open final a couple of years ago, I’ve got fond memories of playing there.”

Matt Selt spoke to Global Snooker following a terrific breakthrough victory over Steve Davis:

“I’m really thrilled”

“It’s the first time I will have qualified for the TV rounds of a tournament.

“It’s the best I’ve ever felt in a match. The cameras and playing Steve, who’s such a legend gave me a real buzz.”

“I played shots I’ve never played before. Steve is the best of tacticians and I got sucked into it a bit.

“I’m 24 now, not 17 anymore, so I’ve really got to stand up and make it count this season.”

While Graeme Dott has revealed that the damage to his old cue was in fact not caused at an airport, also to Global Snooker:

“I don’t know where people get these stories”

“My cue was making a funny noise, so I’ve had a new one made.”

“I don’t intend to be here [Pontin’s] long. I either get back into the Top 16 or I’ll pack it in”

“I haven’t been here for 15 years.”

And following a significant week for Ken Doherty which saw him win his first matches at Pontin’s, he told Eurosport:

“It’s been a long time in coming, but I’m just glad to be back at another major tournament,”

“I was close to being the world number one a couple of years ago, but my form hasn’t been great and you’ve got to keep playing well because the standard is so high these days.

“But I couldn’t really ask for a better start to the season. I found it really tough at Pontin’s last season, it took a lot of getting used too.

“However, I’ve won two good matches here this week and feel good about my game. It was important I started the season well.”

Finally Andrew Higginson told World Snooker:

“I had a lot of run of the ball, everything I hit went in or safe,”

“He pegged me back to 3-2 and then in the seventh I was up by 69 points with four reds left. He got one of the snookers he needed and then he must have snookered me five or six times, I managed to get out of them but it was mad. I’m absolutely drained. Dave’s safety play is different class.”

“China is one of those places you’d love to go to, I’ll be making the most of it”