My day today at the Crucible was in the most part uneventful so here are a few more of my photos from the week so far, from Tuesday onwards. Click here for my previous gallery covering the first three days.

View from the front row

Jan Verhaas

Leo Scullion, Mike Ganley and Jan Verhaas

Neil Robertson shakes hands with Michaela Tabb

The Cue Zone/TV Studio

Eirian Williams

MC Rob Walker

Ryan Day and Mark Davis

The gallery seats, reserved for coaches etc

The arena from Blue Door

Some of the fences around the venue

Oh dear Ryan

The arena from orange door

Stephen Maguire

Dennis Taylor

Steve Davis and Rob Walker

Table two from the front row

The referees wait expectantly

2006 champion Graeme Dott

Enter the Pistol – Mark Allen

Shaun Murphy poses for photos

1985 champion Dennis Taylor

All we need now are the players…

The lighting

Local referee Brendan Moore

Davis getting ready for action

Steve applauds the entrance of John Higgins
The Crucible at night

Ronnie O’Sullivan judges his future stars

Young referee Molly Newbold

BBC anchor Hazel Irvine

Ronnie, Dennis and JP

Former finalist Nigel Bond

John Virgo and Ken Doherty do a piece for the TV with John Parrott in the commentary box

Rob Walker

Ronnie O’Sullivan, not your standard Crucible dress!

Referees Terry Camilleri and Brendan Moore

And Olivier Marteel, making his Crucible debut

Mark Allen

Martin Gould unpacks his cue

And puts it together

The TV cameras

Olivier Marteel awaits the players

As Martin Gould hides his cue case

Robertson and Gould

Mark Williams

Neil Robertson and Martin Gould

Robertson celebrates his triumph

And Gould sports an interesting shirt, received from a fan who asked to swap shirts!

The legendary Stephen Hendry

Referee Leo Scullion

John Parrott fills in for Rob Walker, otherwise engaged in London