Rankings Revised

Fascinating news from Dave Hendon today as he has confirmed over at Snooker Scene Blog that the World Snooker Rankings will now be revised on a far more regular basis than has been the case in the past…

To read Dave’s article which explains what will happen please click here.

In summary, based on that article and the subsequent comments left on it, the situation is now as follows:

  • In addition to their revision at the end of the season, the rankings will now also be revised following the World Open, UK Championship and the Welsh Open.
  • The rankings system will now run on a two-year rolling system, for example points for the 2008 Northern Ireland Trophy being removed at the World Open revision.

My immediate reaction is that whilst this will be a nightmare for bloggers like me to update, it is a long overdue change and one that will make the system far fairer and more up to date than it has been up until now, indeed I suggested a more regular update back in my previous article back in March.

In all honesty it is hard to add too much to what Dave has said in his article at this stage, although in the coming days I will have my calculator out in an attempt to predict who are the players with the most to lose at the first World Open update and how best to display that information on the blog. My initial thought would be to have a provisional table, based on the points from around the 2008 UK Championship, with minimum points for the first two events of the new season on the end.

Any suggestions?