Stephen Hendry Launches Masterclass Routines App

Seven-times world champion Stephen Hendry has featured in his fair share of coaching videos and books down the years but this month he has made his début on Apple’s App Store following the release of his Masterclass Routines coaching application. Click below for more including how to buy…

Product Information

Stephen Hendry Masterclass snooker routines first edition is a selection of carefully selected snooker routines designed for players of all ages and abilities.

This unique app will guide players through a range of routines that show the basic shots that are key to any player, developing onto routines that are suitable for players at a more accomplished level.

Within the app also there are a number of secret routines that Hendry has used over the years that has seen him win 36 ranking events, including seven World Championships and compile over 750 century breaks.

Each routine & section is personally introduced by the legend, with him talking you through every shot as to how best practice the routine you have selected.

The app will include the following

  • 30 carefully selected routines
  • Live footage & recording of Stephen talking you through each routine
  • Fully rendered video caption of how to play each & every routine
  • Visual slide showing how to set up the routine and where to strike the white
  • Over 7,500 words and text in English & Mandarin
  • Fantastic feature to allow all of the routines , text & voice to listened to fully in mandarin
  • Ability to save routines to a favourites section
  • Mandarin version can be selected at download stage or by settings on I Phone / I pod
  • Edition 2 also available within app , featuring “ Potting your way to success”
  • In edition two Hendry talks you through routines specially designed to improve your potting skills

Stephen Hendry About me section

  • A rare interview at Stephen’s home, talking through his greatest moments, to the shot he remembers more than any other through his remarkable career.
  • A glimpse at Stephen Hendry’s incredible records & achievements.

Future editions are also set to be released, including special routines and footage that has never seen before of this remarkable sporting legend.

Stephen Hendry Says:

I believe the app will when used fully be of great assistance to any snooker player regardless of age or ability, myself and my team gave a great deal of thought to the content of of our routines.

I chose at this stage to select a range of routines that will focus on playing naturally and enjoying the game, later edition will touch on stance & cue action, however I feel each player is individual and its just as important to feel comfortable and to enjoy playing the game.

How to purchase

Click here to visit the app store where you can purchase the app.

For more information the official website of the app can be found here.