WPBSA Statement: Stephen Lee

On 14th February 2013 Stephen Lee was charged with serious breaches of the WPBSA members rules (Betting Rules) in relation to 8 matches over 4 tournaments in 2008-9. As per the WPBSA Disciplinary Rules, the WPBSA requested that SR UK appoint an individual to sit as an independent Disciplinary Hearing Board to hear the case against him.

On 7th March 2013 Adam Lewis QC was appointed by SR UK to act as the Independent Disciplinary Hearing Board. A timetable was set down for the proceedings and this was agreed by those representing Mr Lee. The WPBSA has met all the requirements set down by the Independent Disciplinary Hearing Board, unfortunately Mr Lee has not. This has caused significant delays to the process which have been compounded by Mr Lee changing his legal advisers on three occasions.

On Monday 17th June 2013, Mr Lewis set a new timetable for the proceedings and a date of 9th September 2013 for the case to be heard.