German Masters 2015: Qualifying Draw and Format Revealed


Following the latest seedings revision after the UK Championship yesterday, World Snooker have today published the draw and format for the German Masters qualifiers, which run from 17-19 December at Wigan’s Robin Park venue.

You can view the draw in pdf format here at World Snooker, or alternatively here at snookerorg, where you can see that everyone in the rankings as far down as 90th placed Tony Drago has entered.

In addition, Brazil’s Igor Figueiredo has also followed up his recent appearance at the UK Championship by entering the event, which is good to see given how well he performs when he does appear in professional events.

The format can be accessed here, with qualifiers to be staged over three days, last 128 matches on the Wednesday and Thursday, before the last 64 is staged across three sessions on the Friday.

Rather curiously, it would appear that there will be ten matches played per session, with the morning and afternoon sessions containing an 11th match, to get underway on a ‘roll-on, roll-off’ basis following the conclusion of the first match of the session. Presumably they could not squeeze in an extra table, but it is never ideal for players not to know exactly when they are going to play.

As previously, the matches will be played over the best of nine frames, while the fact that two rounds will be played in Wigan means that there will be just 32 players at the venue, as was the case in Berlin from 2011 to 2013.