Gdynia Open 2015: Tour Survival Blog

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Earlier this week I took a look at some of the battles set to be decided at this weekend’s all-important Gdynia Open event, which is now underway with its amateur rounds having started yesterday.

Tomorrow though sees the entrance of the professionals and with tour cards, Grand Finals spots and Grand Prix places up for grabs, click below for my rolling blog which will be updated throughout the next three days, flagging up the matches and results to keep an eye on and setting out those currently in position to retain a tour card through this list.

I will also keep an eye on the other battles where I am able…

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To Polish Or Not To Polish?


That would appear to be the question, as World Snooker chose the recent Lisbon Open event at which to trial a new system of ‘polishing’ the balls prior to matches, in an attempt to reduce the amount of kicks and bad bounces in the game.

As is ever the case in snooker, feedback was varied, with some praising the conditions and others arguing against the test, particularly at an event carrying ranking points.

Click below for more of the back story and a round-up of the best reactions from professionals on Twitter…

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