It was a predictably hard-fought final in Wuxi but Mark Selby has ended his recent run of final defeats with a 9-7 victory against Ali Carter to win the Wuxi Classic this afternoon. The action does not stop there however as Mark and Ali will now team up for the 2011 World Cup which starts tomorrow over in Bangkok…
Category: World Cup

News Round-up, Australian wildcards confirmed, Vatnani’s Visa Woes
While the Australian Open qualifiers have been ongoing this week, there have been various other snippets of news filtering through concerning this tournament, the World Cup and more…

World Cup 2011: Tournament Draw
The highly-anticipated draw for the first PTC event of the 2011/12 season maybe have been delayed until tomorrow but World Snooker have now confirmed the draw for next month’s Snooker World Cup…

World Cup 2011: Teams Announced
Following on from my previous post confirming the 19 competing nations at the 2011 World Cup, World Snooker have now confirmed who will be representing each of the teams. Well almost, Brazil’s second player has not been confirmed yet, but to see who will be lining up, please click below…

World Cup 2011: Competing Nations Revealed
Although the tournament is less than two months away now, information concerning snooker’s revived World Cup which will be staged in Thailand this summer has been relatively thin on the ground this year. According to reports however, the competing nations for 2011 have now been revealed…