White v Drago at the Southwest Snooker Academy

A quick post ahead of the exhibition at the Southwest Snooker Academy tonight which will mark the opening night of the new facility. A huge thanks to Janie Watkins, Sarah Mount and the people over there who have very kindly invited me to attend the evening tonight, I will post a full report with photos no doubt, tomorrow.

The evening is due to be streamed online tonight, details to follow on that later today at the venue’s official website presumably…

2010/11 Roll Call

While the professional season has now been completed, the race for tour places for 2010/11  rages on and this week has seen another eight names confirmed via the PIOS route. Click below to see who has already been confirmed for next season and where the remaining names will come from…

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Rankings Unravelled

As regular readers will have gathered by now, I do like to keep a track of the rankings, indeed I find the battles for the various different brackets fascinating. In reality however, are the rankings really that important? More to the  point are they even fair? Having spoken to fans and players alike during the past few months, here are some thoughts on the system…

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