Regular readers may recall that recently I posted that there will soon be a revision to the latest provisional rankings that I have on the site following a letter sent by the WPBSA to the players…
While this has not yet been confirmed on the official WSA website, it would appear from the posting of Rolf Kalb over at the German Eurosport website that what will happen is that players who did not compete on the main tour during 2008/9 will be given starter points for that season equivalent those the amount that newcomers to the tour last season received, eg the 5,850 points earned by Atthasit Mahitthi during 08/09.
This means for example that a player new to the tour will receive 5,850 for the 08/09 season, as well as 5,040 for the 2009/10 season. This would explain where Global Snooker have got the total of 10,890 from on their rankings page.
So how will these points be removed as this season progresses?
Dividing them equally, there would be 731 removed from most of the events, with two carrying 732 points. It would appear that these have yet to be specified so I will be unable to definitively amend my rankings just yet, but hopefully that confirmation will not be long in coming. Rolf Kalb over on the German Eurosport forums has apparently suggested that the two 732 figures should be attached to the UK and World Championships. Next season should be easier however, 840 being removed for each tournament.
Hopefully this will be confirmed in due course, but as it would appear that this is what will be happening, I will update my provisional rankings page to include the revised starter points following the conclusion of the World Open qualifiers tomorrow evening.