Stephen Feeney, SightRight coach to top snooker players – Stuart Bingham, Martin Gould, Tom Ford and Rory McLeod, and former coach to legends such as Stephen Hendry, Jimmy White, Steve Davis and Terry Griffiths, launches the SightRight® Cue, with patented sighting aid technology at the 2013 Australian Goldfields Open.
After years of research and development, and now with WPBSA approval, the SightRight® Cue will be launched next week finally revealing for every snooker player the techniques that has helped the legends of the game in the past and brought huge success, and 7 titles last season, to Stuart Bingham and Martin Gould.
This ‘game changing’ cue comes fitted with a patented SightRight® sighting aid to help payers become more accurate!
Now all players of any ability can benefit from the coaching methods which have helped many top professionals!
Every SightRight® Cue comes with coaching instructions around perfect sighting and aiming for you to put Stephen’s SightRight® Coaching secrets into practice. Choose our top of the range “147” cue and you’ll receive a place on a SightRight® Snooker Coaching Day with a SightRight® approved Coach who can offer personal coaching and implementation of the coaching methods.
Cue inventor Feeney, said “We have chosen the Australian Goldfields Open to launch the Cue as this is where Stuart won his first main title in 2011 using SightRight routines. Stuart and Martin won 7 tournaments between them last season and we are hoping for an exciting week in Australia. We all believe the Cue is a real game-changer in terms of how it can help players of all levels improve their game and sanction by the WPBSA for use in tournaments shows their forward thinking in line with equipment development in other accuracy sports such as golf.”
If you want to become more accurate and improve your game quickly then you too can share in the secret… our new website launched on Monday 8 July