Rankings Update

A brief post to confirm the situation with the world rankings following John Higgins’ triumph in the UK Championship yesterday and also to link you to the brand new provisional list, the outcome of which will decide the seedings for this season’s World Championship…

  • To view the final rankings following the UK Championship which will decide the seedings for the German Open and the Welsh Open, please click here.
  • To view the latest projected seedings list which will come into effect following the Welsh Open, please click here.

The only issue that you will see I am unsure of on both lists is exactly how many points will be awarded to Liu Song following the news that he will now be returning to the main tour in the place of Patrick Einsle for the rest of the season. For that reason I have decided to leave him out until the WSA post their list up tomorrow, following which I will insert him in where appropriate.

If anyone does spot anything else in either list though then please do not hesitate to leave a comment and I will be able to amend them when I get in from work tomorrow.
